Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has urged the British government to rollout Bill Gates’ digital ID system in order to “flush out” anti-establishment populists.
According to the war criminal, the new Digital ID system will also help address issues like immigration and benefit fraud.
“What the populists do is they take a real grievance and they exploit it but they very often don’t want to have a solution because solutions are much tougher than talking about problems,” Blair said, adding: “The grievance would be on immigration that the thing is out of control. The grievance would be on crime that we’re not doing enough on it. So you say, ‘OK, here’s what you do’. And then you have a big political fight. The populist is forced to choose. You’ve got to create an agenda that the other side has to respond to.”
Expose-news.comreports: Right-wing populists do offer solutions to Britain’s …