This year’s Oscars will not feature performances of the Best Original song nominees. The Motion Picture Academy says behind the scenes insights and personal reflections by the songwriters will replace the usual musical numbers. The 97th annual Academy Awards are set for March 2nd. This guy risks his life uncooking the books for some of the scariest people on the planet drug cartels, arms brokers, money launderers, assassins. survives this kind of clientele. The Accountant not only survived, *** sequel is on the way to the 2016 action flick. Ben Affleck, John Bernthal, JK Simmons, Cynthia Dy Robinson, and director Gavin O’Connor return for the follow-up, which premieres at the South by Southwest Film Festival in March and opens in theaters April 25th. Every time I died, they just printed me out again and everyone asks, what’s it feel like to die? Robert Pattinson goes through *** lot in the …
Full List of Oscar Nominations Revealed [Video]