The Titusville Girls Basketball team held a tribute for Abbie Colie, a senior whose life has dramatically changed since just days after Christmas when she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Abbie has been playing basketball since she was in third grade. Now, as she faces the fight of her life against this illness, the support from her community has been unwavering. Monday’s event proved that she is not fighting alone.
Abbie’s mom, Kristie Colie, shared how deeply challenging the journey has been since Abbie’s diagnosis over Christmas break. “It just means so much that she gets to go in for a few seconds, but you know it’s her last few seconds of basketball and high school. She just loves this team, so it’s going to be a very emotional time.”
Abbie, though facing immense obstacles, remains optimistic. “I’m a little overwhelmed, but it’s not that bad and I …