Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan suffered a serious spinal injury during an attempted burglary at his Bandra residence in Mumbai on January 16, 2025, past midnight. The attack took place around 2:30 AM when Saif confronted an intruder in his home. Saif is currently undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital for six injuries, including two deep wounds.
Where was Kareena Kapoor?
Kareena Kapoor spent the evening with her sister Karisma Kapoor and actor-friends Sonam Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor for a girls’ night out.
A photo posted by Karisma Kapoor on her Instagram showed that Kareena Kapoor had a night out with friends on Wednesday night. She spent time with her sister, Veere Di Wedding producer Rhea Kapoor, and her Veere Di Wedding co-star Sonam Kapoor.
Here is the photo:
The timing of the party has sparked widespread speculation, as the attack on Saif occurred while Kareena was out.
However, other reports suggest that Kareena Kapoor Khan was at the …