PORTLAND Ore. (KPTV) – Oaks Amusement Park is looking to add a new ride to their midway, but some who live close to the park are raising concerns.
Oaks Park is celebrating 120 years of entertainment in Southeast Portland this year.
“It’s time to do some sprucing up around here and make sure we are viable for the next 120 years,” said Marketing and Events Director Emily MacKay.
Soon, they want to unveil a brand-new ride, a drop tower.
“It’s a tall, skinny tower that takes you up to a beautiful vista of our town here, and then all of a sudden you freefall about 120 feet,” MacKay said.
The entire tower would be 147 feet tall, and would have lights all the way up it like the other rides along the midway.
While the zoning for this new tower is not approved yet, some neighbors up on the Sellwood …