Bryan Badge’s community came out in the dozens to BC Pizza in Howard City, ready to support one of their own. All proceeds went to his family.
HOWARD CITY, Mich. — Weeks after a Montcalm County teenager died in a crash while riding an ATV, his community is helping his family. BC Pizza in Howard City hosted a fundraiser Monday night.
The line for pizza stretched out the door as the community came together to remember and honor one of their own.
“I don’t know that I ever saw that boy without a smile on his face. He was bubbly. He had all this energy. He was a jokester,” said fundraising organizer Faith Kwiatkowski.
Just days before Christmas, 14-year-old Bryan Badge from Montcalm County crashed into a pile of roofing material while on an ATV and died.
“We’re definitely here to support Bryan and the family. We didn’t know him …