Hayden Jennings, a student at Karns High School was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma in October — a rare form of bone cancer.
KARNS, Tenn. — The Karns baseball team and Karns High School hosted “Hairless for Hayden” recently, an event to support sophomore catcher Hayden Jennings.
Jennings was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer in October and has been undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
The team shaved their heads in support and hosted Hairless for Hayden, an event that featured seven hairstylists buzzing family, friends and community members’ heads to support Jennings’ battle against cancer.
“It means a lot to me that they do that, especially when they’re hesitant like that because they just don’t really know. It just shows that they care about their hair and stuff but for them to give up something that’s important to them and their appearance to people, it means a lot,” said …