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The strategy Microsoft must pursue to recover from Windows 8 [Video]

Mobile Marketing

Yes, tablet and PC environments mesh poorly, but the new Windows reveals a sea change: PCs are now simply a type of mobile device

Credit: StockStudio / Shutterstock

If my InfoWorld colleagues and I haven’t made it clear, we believe Windows 8 is a failed operating system, a muddled mess that combines awkwardly the mobile/touch context with the desktop/peripheral-input context. Windows RT is little better; though users can install only Metro apps on it, RT comes with Windows 7-based Office, File Explorer, and IE10, all of which fare poorly in the mobile/touch context. As a result of Microsoft’s Windows 8/RT muddle, the iPad is the only sensible tablet option for businesses.

But put aside these major flaws and think ahead. Weston Morris at the Unisys consultancy has. Morris, who focuses on the consumerization phenomenon and how to serve enterprise clients on mobile and consumer-class deployments, expects Microsoft to learn quickly from the Windows 8 and RT failures (long pointed out …

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