Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results
Hey y’all! I know this is a bit unconventional, but I just started my own little writer community online! It’s mostly a spot where I can encourage people to create – you know, a monthly open mic, a bi-weekly book club, a weekly writer’s circle. Etc.
Anyway, the first OFFICIAL writer meeting is tonight immediately after RAW via Zoom! SO click the pic to check it out! I’ve got a few more spots that are free, and that gets you locked in!
Last week, Michael Ornelas and Santa F’n Claus reviewed The Arctic Circle! I couldn’t post it because I was in the middle of a life-changing interview (I got the job) and realigning my life! But Y’all…SANTA!!! Check out the review now!
Lastly, sick shout out to Steve Cook whose list, Wrestling’s Top Ten Betrayals is up! Show him some love!
Happy New year, and WELCOME to the Netflix era where you and …