The share of Ola Electric fell around 3 per cent on Monday after some fresh high-level exits at the company, including its Chief Marketing Officer Anshul Khandelwal and Suvonil Chatterjee, Chief Technology and Product Officer.
On Monday, the share was trading less than Rs 86 apiece, after falling nearly 3 per cent.
Khandelwal and Chatterjee stepped down from their roles at the company, effective December 27, citing personal reasons.
Both executives initially joined Ola’s ride-hailing business before transitioning to Ola Electric Mobility.
Several top executives of the company have tendered their resignations this year as the company faces mounting pressure.
N Balachandar, Group Chief People Officer, left the EV company in November after overseeing HR for Ola Electric, Ola Cabs, and Krutrim AI.
In October this year, Ravi Jain, Business Head of Krutrim AI, and Sidharth Shakdher, CBO of Ola Mobility, left the company.
After a blockbuster sales figure in October due to …