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Michelle Chase | Making Space Law in the Twenty-First Century [Video]

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Michelle Chase | Making Space Law in the Twenty-First Century

International space law has a rich history that offers valuable lessons for today’s challenges in protecting humanity’s use of outer space. So, what prospect is there that the space powers can agree new laws to ensure a smooth path into the next frontier of space use and exploration? Michelle Chase explores key moments such as the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and the 1972 ABM Treaty, revealing that self-interest often drives these international agreements. Chase calls for renewed international cooperation, drawing from Cold War-era lessons to manage state competition and protect space from modern threats like warfighting and space debris.

Dr Michelle Chase
Dr Michelle Chase completed her PhD in early 2024 as a candidate in the School of Humanities and Social Science at UNSW Canberra. Michelle’s doctoral research looked at the legal and political implications of proposals to ban the placement of all weapons in outer space, and China’s role as a leader of the non-weaponisation of outer space movement. Michelle was the recipient of the 2015 Maurice Blackburn Prize for best performing postgraduate student at UNSW Law, and undertook her PhD as a Scientia PhD candidate. Michelle currently works as a Research Officer at UNSW Sydney and casual academic at UNSW Canberra.

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