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T-Mobile complaint leads NAD to recommend that Verizon modify multiple ads [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

The National Advertising Division (NAD) is a non-profit organization that monitors national advertising campaigns for truth and accuracy. The NAD is part of the Better Business Bureau’s National Program using the reputation of the BBB to promote truthful and accurate advertising. T-Mobile recently brought a Fast-Track SWIFT challenge to the NAD about a commercial run by Verizon. This is a process used to get an expedited response from the NAD about a single-issue disputed ad.

In a press release, the BBB National Programs announced that after investigating T-Mobile‘s complaint, the NAD recommended that Verizon stop making claims about texting services in remote locations that run over satellite in areas where there is no cellular or hotspot connectivity. Another option suggested to Verizon is to modify the ad to make it exactly clear what necessary conditions must be met in order for Verizon customers to use the satellite texting service.

T-Mobile‘s …

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