CARB continues to say it cannot predict how much its decision will impact gas prices to consumers.
CALIFORNIA, USA — Gas prices in California could be changing again as the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is meeting on Friday to discuss carbon-reduction requirements. Many critics believe this could raise gas prices.
The California Fuels and Convenience Alliance (CFCA) represents gas station owners and fuel marketers across the state. The organization says what is decided at Friday’s CARB meeting will negatively impact its members and Californians.
“If that price for diesel goes up, that means the price for all those products also increases,” said Alessandra Magnasco with CFCA.
CARB is expected to vote on the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) on Friday. The program’s goal is to lower the state’s greenhouse gas emissions as the state continues its transition to zero emissions by 2045. Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have continuously asked CARB to delay the vote for weeks, as some predict gas …