How to Supercharge your Digital Marketing with Desire Paths
How to Supercharge your Digital Marketing with Desire Paths
12 Steps to Create Videos

DE222 Honoree: Sheila Bravo – Delaware Business Times [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Title: President & CEO

Workplace: Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement

Alma Maters: University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Millersville University

Boards: National Council of Nonprofits, DEFAC – Delaware Economic & Financial Advisory Council, Delaware Literacy Council Advisory Board

Q&A: What was your first job? “Growing up on a farm, I had many unpaid jobs. Earliest memory… capturing and selling worms for our fishing business. First paid job was probably when I worked at a cheese shop at a local dairy farm.”

In the world of Delaware nonprofits, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement (DANA) is all about advancing nonprofit impact in the First State. And that can’t be done without leaders like Sheila Bravo, who has served as the organization’s president and CEO since 2015. Before leading DANA, Bravo worked in nonprofit, for-profit and academic industries, most recently as the former executive director of the Rehoboth Art League, but …

5 Ways to Make Push Marketing Work for You
5 Ways to Make Push Marketing Work for You
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