3 Steps to Building a Targeted Audience
3 Steps to Building a Targeted Audience
5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads

Cyber GEN.IQ (CYGENIQ) [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

Cyber Skills Gap Challenges Solved – with Improved Candidate Fit and Enhanced Diversity

Pre-Employment Cyber Challenge

  • Long hiring process
  • High volume of applicants/all resumes look the same
  • Mismatch between candidate skills & job requirements

Cyber GEN.IQ Pre-Employment Cyber Solution

  • Quickly identifies the most promising candidates, streamlining the initial screen process
  • Provides a precise assessment of candidates’ cybersecurity aptitude, ensuring they are well-matched to roles that suit their strengths

New Cyber Employee Challenge

  • Requires substantial training
  • Skills gap between what the employee possesses, and the skills needed for the job

Cyber GEN.IQ New Cyber Employee Solution

  • Identifies candidates who already possess the foundational aptitudes required for cybersecurity roles, reducing the skills gap and the need for extensive training

Incumbent Cyber Employee Challenge

  • Retention issues
  • High turnover rates can be costly and disruptive
  • Underperformance and increased training costs

Cyber GEN.IQ Incumbent Cyber Employee Solution

  • Accurately matches employees to roles where they will excel and feel fulfilled
  • Identify individuals more likely to succeed in training programs, reducing …
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