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The Netherlands: Europes digital powerhouse [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

The Netherlands has become a global juggernaut in terms of broadband, AI and cybersecurity. Paul Budde reports on the latest developments from his birth country.

FROM NORWAY, I travelled to the country of my birth, the Netherlands (18 million inhabitants in a country half the size of Tasmania). I have followed the Duch market over several decades and I have organised a government-led trade mission between our two countries in relation to broadband and smart cities.

So, it was with interest to update myself on what currently is happening here. Obviously, I had to make some selections but there are links to further readings.

It was good to see that the Netherlands remains a digital and technological leader in Europe, often called the continent’s most connected country. Its advanced digital infrastructure, supportive government policies and innovative ecosystems make it a top destination for I.T. and technology companies.

Major I.T. hubs with smart cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Eindhovenare examples of city-based innovations. On several …

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