MadameNoire Featured Video

The latest Tales From TikTok zeros in on Dallas-based influencer, @ItsKashmiere, who cooks mouthwatering meals using only her feet.

On May 21, a TikTok video featuring the social media star left viewers amazed as she prepared a hearty meal of spaghetti, corn and cornbread using only her feet. Born without hands or arms, Kashmiere has developed incredible skills, relying on her feet for everyday tasks like cooking, driving, and applying makeup, as she shared in a YouTube video back in 2018.

In her impressive cooking video, Kashmiere began by washing her feet before adding oil to a hot pot of water with an array of spices. She then skillfully placed ground beef in a sizzling pan, seasoning it with salt, pepper, paprika, and other flavorings, before boiling her pasta.

Demonstrating remarkable upper body strength, Kashmiere used her feet to mix and bake the cornbread, placing the delightful treat alongside her finished plate of spaghetti and …