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CNBC: How AI and Digitalization are Driving the Data Center Real Estate Market [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

In the rapidly evolving landscape of real estate investment, data centers have emerged as a lucrative asset class, capturing the attention of investors worldwide. With the United States housing the lion’s share of the world’s data centers—over 2,800—the demand for these critical infrastructure facilities has skyrocketed, propelling land values to unprecedented heights.

Data centers are the physical backbone of the internet, underpinning the global digital economy. They support everything from cloud computing to artificial intelligence (AI), enabling the seamless flow of information that drives modern businesses and daily life. As digitalization continues to accelerate, the need for more robust and expansive data center networks has surged, pushing the value of strategically located land to new levels.

The value of land earmarked for data center development has seen exponential growth. A striking example is Vint Hill, Virginia, where the land’s value soared tenfold due to its suitability for data center construction. …

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