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Douglas County approves new gang violence coordinator at youth center [Video]

Community Building and Management

OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Ronald Smith is taking the job as Douglas County Youth Center’s new gang prevention coordinator.

Smith has quite has quite the experience helping out youngsters on the streets. He was YouTurn’s street manager for seven years sharing his own personal life experiences as an ex gang member and advocating for youth to turn away from violence.

“I’m just passionate about it,” Smith said.

Smith in his new position will be in charge of mentoring juveniles involved in gang and gun violence inside the county’s youth center. He will do this by building one-on-one relationships, educating, and setting the youth up for a better future.

“When they’re at their lowest parts of their lvies I get to brighten up their day, also brighten up their understanding,” Smith said. “Whether that’s having conversations, playing with them, [or] reaching out to their little brother and sisters [and] taking anything to their family that they might need.”

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