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Whats New in Superservice Connect [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering


Show preferred pick-up date and timeDealers can now allow the selection of a preferred pick-up date and time. If this option is not enabled, the preferred pick-up date and time will not be displayed in either the Dealer Portal or Customer Portal when creating or editing appointments.


Latest pick-up time before closing timeDealers can now set the latest preferred pick-up time to ensure customers do not arrive when the dealership is about to close.

For example, if the dealer closes at 5:30pm and the latest pick-up time before closing time is set to 5 mins, then the latest pick-up time the customer will see is 5:25pm.


Time increment between pick-up timesDealers can now set the time increment between pick-up times in 15, 30, 45 or 60 minute intervals.


Minimum Appointment DurationThe minimum appointment duration of a new or existing appointment can now be set between 15 minutes and 24 hours.

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