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The ever changing focus of event sustainability [Video]

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

The ever changing focus of event sustainability

In this episode of the Event Industry News Podcast, host James Dickson is joined by founder of event:decision, Matt Grey.

Matt has worked in events for 25 years focussing mainly on the agency side servicing all kinds of events worldwide until the pandemic hit.

During the pandemic Matt founded event:decision and three years later offers products that have proven valuable to 120 agency partners and 70 brand partners that use their solutions on a daily basis.

Topics covered include:

The challenge of delivering sustainable events that are indistinguishable from less environmentally minded events.

Experience vs education, despite sustainability only being a focus for the last 5 years, experience is proving invaluable with a balance to be found between practical and theoretical knowledge.

Reliance on other industries, The events industry relies on other industries to achieve it’s sustainability goals, this requires collaboration on both a global level to local businesses (such as hotels, AV, catering etc).

The change in focus from carbon offsetting to social sustainability

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