This is one of those posts where I go “Holy moly! I can’t believe that game came out ten years ago!” Today’s game in question that is making me feel old is none other than Castle Doombad, an awesome dungeon/tower defense style game from developer Grumpyface Studios that was originally published by Adult Swim Games way back in January of 2014. As you may or may not be aware, Adult Swim Games has largely gone defunct over the past several years, and along with that Castle Doombad is no longer on the App Store. This of course bummed Grumpyface out, but thankfully they were able to reacquire the rights to the IP and last year announced their intention to completely remake Castle Doombad from the ground up for modern platforms.

Since that remake endeavor got underway, however, the developer quickly realized with how ambitiously they were changing and adding new things that it would make …