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Can delegates vote their conscience as Biden suggests? [Video]

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During what the White House referred to as his “big boy news conference” in Washington, D.C., after the NATO summit, President Biden addressed a flood of questions about his ability to carry out another term successfully.

In his attempt to quash any doubt, President Biden made a comment that may have raised a few eyebrows.

In response to a question about reports circulating that members of his own party want him to step aside, the President said delegates are free to vote their conscience,’ at the convention in August.

But is that true?

KNX News spoke with some experts to determine what, if anything, this statement means for the President’s future.

Jeff Timmer is the campaign director for the Lincoln Project and was previously executive director of the Michigan Republican Party.

Tony Smith is a political science and law professor at UC Irvine and editor-in-chief of Political Research Quarterly.

Christina Bellantoni is the director of the Political Media Center at USC Annenberg.

Timmer: “Well, the way the process works …

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