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Midwest Climate Collaborative Webinar Recap: CDFIs and Green Financing Opportunities [Video]

Community Building and Management

As the federal government invests $27 billion to address the climate crisis through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are poised to play a crucial role in ensuring that communities that have experienced disinvestment benefit from what is the single largest investment in clean energy, environmental justice, and carbon pollution reduction in American history. During a recent webinar hosted by the Midwest Climate Collaborative, IFF Executive Directors Amandula Anderson (Indiana Region) and Stephen Westbrooks (Southern Region) shared how CDFIs, and IFF specifically, can support nonprofits and communities interested in leveraging federal funding and green financing to pursue projects and initiatives that contribute to a more environmentally sustainable future in the Midwest.

Below, we’ve included a recording of the presentation, which is broadly applicable to a wide range of nonprofits, regardless of sector.

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