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How to Reach your Market in a World Ruled by Generative AI
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Analysing The Nexus Between Huawei Crisis And Indian Telecom Sector [Video]

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In modern world technology has become the most important part of human life,human cannot survive without technology. Through inventive mind and technology,the human had developed smartphones, which makes the day to day life easy. Inpresent, China is one of the leading producers of cheap telecommunicationsdevices and electronic goods in the world. China’s success in making globallycompetitive tele-communications firms has led the Chinese government’s desire tohold its position in next generation Information Technology (IT). China is theworld’s one of the leading producers of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.Although there has been rapid increase in these IoT devices, yet there areshortcomings in these devices which has exposed them to many vulnerabilities ofintelligence, infringement with personal data and cyber-attacks etc.

Shortcomings In Huawei

Chinese giant telecom company Huawei is the world’s leading producer of electronic goods, but US government recently blocked Huawei products in US market …

How Desire Paths can Transform your Digital Marketing
How Desire Paths can Transform your Digital Marketing
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