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Prime Video Celebrates Fathers Day with Humorous Lullaby Video Featuring Singer Shaan

Global Marketing Strategies

Mumbai—Prime Video, India’s beloved entertainment hub, has launched a charming and humorous video to mark International Father’s Day. This delightful film, featuring renowned singer Shaan, cleverly brings to light a common trait among fathers across the nation—falling asleep in front of the TV. In a lighthearted manner, the video encourages dads to take a well-deserved break, catch some sleep, and enjoy their favorite Prime Video shows at a later time.

The film showcases Shaan, who serenades fathers with a melodious lullaby, appealing to various types of dads: the middle-aged, overworked father, the exhausted new millennial dad, and the elderly grandfather. Through his magical lullaby, Shaan reaches out to each of these fathers, who are torn between their need for sleep and their desire to spend quality family time watching Prime Video.

Only the dads can see and hear Shaan, as he sings a soothing lullaby that references their favorite shows …

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