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Ditch Your Outbound Sequences And Try This [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

If you still rely on your outreach sequences to do your job…

You’re gonna be waiting awhile.

You cannot just upload a list of your prospects to your platform and click go.

This isn’t 2018.

Your prospects aren’t going to respond to your lame, impersonal automated emails.

They won’t even click on it.

What will happen: They’ll go through the 100+ crappy emails they get every day, including yours, and they’ll hit “delete.”

Buh bye.

So how about you try something different?

Something that gives you a chance.

And leverage every channel strategically, in a personalized way.

➸ Social. Phone. Email.

If you haven’t modernized your approach, you will continue to struggle.

This is exactly why we created our Modern Social Seller program at Luminetics in 2021.

Since then we’ve been able to 3X+ response rates for tech sales teams, making an immediate impact on their outbound campaigns.

Let us help you ditch old school and embrace new school.

Luminetics partners with tech …

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