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How to Make a Great First Impression at Work [Video]

Community Building and Management

The number one mistake smart people make is they need to do a great job—and because of this, they only focus on productivity. Ultimately, smart people focus too much on completing tasks rather than other people and building relationships.

Task-focused thinking has become a considerable problem for smart people, as they often prioritize metrics over rapport and, as a consequence, treat people as distractions.

So if you’re not getting along with your coworkers, here’s a simple equation that might help:

Doing great work is essential, but it’s only one part of the equation. The second part is about building great relationships. According to a study by Officevibe, 70 percent of employees stated that having friends at work is the most crucial element to happy working life. If you don’t have great relationships, people won’t recognize you for the great job you do. And most importantly, people might not like you.

Smart people tend to focus more on their smarts …

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