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‘I start from a big, red alarm’ – Enrico Letta urges radical EU single market shake-up [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

The EU’s single market is based on free movement of goods, services, capital and people. Ex Italian PM and author of a report into the single market, Enrico Letta argues a 5th freedom – encompassing research, education and innovation – is vital for Europe’s future prosperity.

“I start from a very red, strong red alarm, a big red alarm. The gap is growing with the US.” The alarm that Enrico Letta so vividly envisages is the wake-up call he believes the European Union needs in order to see that the single market is in critical need of development in order to keep with rivals such as the USA and China, and to adapt to global geopolitical developments over the past three decades.

The former Italian prime minister and academic has just compiled a report commissioned by the Belgian presidency of the EU on the future of the single market. It was …

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