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Brooklyn Brawler Reflects On Working For Vince McMahon & WWE Release [Video]

Community Building and Management

The Brooklyn Brawler recently looked back on his working relationship with Vince McMahon as well as his WWE release in 2016. Steve Lombardi touched on the topics during his interview on Insight with Chris Van Vliet, and you can see a couple highlights below (h/t to Wrestling Inc):

On his relationship with McMahon: “[McMahon] kept me for 32 years, so [our relationship] must have been pretty good. He used to say to say s**t to me like, ‘If I asked you to take a flag off the building, you’d come down with two flags.’”

On his release from the company:“All I can say is, [my release] is not like people think. I’m not going to give you the details of it, but I was told that a question like that would be asked, and the question is not warranted. It really isn’t, because I was ready. I couldn’t do it, two to four planes a week …

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