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Mastering Franchise Review Management: Strategies for Building a Positive Brand Image [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

Remember the last time you decided to check out a new spot and found yourself scrolling through reviews to see if it was worth your time and money? Yeah, we’re all guilty of that. Online reviews have become our go-to for the scoop on whether something is a hit or a miss. And for franchises, this means the difference between a line out the door or crickets.  

In a world where a single review can turn into the talk of the town (for better or worse), getting a handle on what people say about your franchise online is more than just a good idea – it’s your lifeline to thriving in a competitive market.

But here’s the kicker: managing those reviews doesn’t have to feel like you’re trying to juggle while riding a unicycle. With some savvy strategies up your sleeve, you can turn the tide of public opinion in your favor …

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