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Brandi Veils Conscious Capital, Impact And Purposeful Investing [Video]

Community Building and Management

The event features Conscious Capital, fundraising and building relationships in the industry with the likes of Brandi Veil and other experts

Brandi Veil, the President of Being Investment and Yes3 Network, recently hosted an online event that focused on topics related to crypto, web 3.0 technology, and conscious capitalism. The event included discussions with industry experts like Alan Teitel, a two-time Emmy Award winner, Andreas Fink from Cajutel, Jonathan Foltz, an investor and crypto industry expert, and Ahmed Refaie, an Investment Architect, among many others.

Conscious Capitalism In Brief 

Conscious capitalism is a holistic approach that considers the impact of business on people and the environment, providing not just financial but also intellectual, ecological, cultural, emotional and social wealth. It focuses on respecting and involving principal stakeholders in decision-making, including customers and the community, and puts purpose at the center of business. The movement is led by business leaders who believe that capitalism can …

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