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Biden’s former chief of staff gets heated in leaked audio over White House ignoring inflation: report [Video]

Global Marketing Strategies

Former White House chief of staff Ron Klain blasted his former boss, President Biden, for not focusing on key issues like inflation and grocery prices in leaked audio, according to a new report.

The audio reveals Klain getting heated about Biden’s focus on infrastructure, saying there is “too much talking about bridges” and not enough about “eggs and milk,” Politico reported.

“I think the president is out there too much talking about bridges,” Klain reportedly says in the audio. “He does two or three events a week where he’s cutting a ribbon on a bridge. And here’s a bridge. Like I tell you, if you go into the grocery store, you go to the grocery store and, you know, eggs and milk are expensive, the fact that there’s a f—ing bridge is not [inaudible].”

“He’s not a congressman. He’s not running for Congress,” Klain continued. “I think it’s kind of a fool’s errand. I think that [it] also doesn’t get covered that much because, …

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