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7 Hidden Gems from Fleetwood Mac’s Early Years [Video]

Sustainability Marketing

Fleetwood Mac has forever been a band whose music has enchanted listeners across the globe. While their later hits have taken much of the spotlight, the band’s early years are filled with tracks that are equally deserving of acclaim. Let’s dive into seven such songs from the late ’60s, a period rich with musical exploration and innovation for the band.

“Black Magic Woman” (1968)

Long before “Black Magic Woman” became synonymous with Santana, Fleetwood Mac introduced the world to this mesmerizing tune. Penned by the band’s guitarist Peter Green, the song showcases a blend of blues and rock that was ahead of its time. Its smooth, haunting guitar licks create an atmosphere that’s hard to forget, proving that Fleetwood Mac’s early forays into music were both bold and innovative.

Following its release, “Black Magic Woman” quickly made waves, yet it’s the song’s subtle complexity and Green’s soulful guitar work that have allowed it to …

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