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7 Digital Marketing Automation Strategies for 2x Efficiency [Video]

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

7 Digital Marketing Automation Strategies for 2x Efficiency

If you want to work smarter and not harder, these marketing automation strategies can free up hours each day.
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Read the full article here: https://www.husamjandal.com/digital-marketing-automation-strategies/

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What would you do if 25 hours were lifted from your shoulders at work? It sounds like a pipedream, right? Not exactly. This is the exact number of hours marketers save each week by automating processes, according to a Zapier poll.
If you know someone who’s running a small marketing team (or even a team of one), is working too many hours, or seems overwhelmed by their workload, please forward these strategies to them.
Strategy 1: Using a CRM to Improve Marketing and Sales Alignment
Automation can help ensure sales and marketing teams work in harmony. For instance, lead data can be automatically entered into customer relationship management (CRM) software, and the lead can be assigned to the right sales rep.
Strategy 2: Scoring Leads to Improve Focus
Leads can be awarded or deducted points based on CRM data and behavior, so it’s easier to prioritize leads and allocate time appropriately.
Strategy 3: Automating the Lead Follow-Up Process
In addition to assigning leads to reps, automation can be leveraged to schedule follow-ups, log contacts, send follow-up emails, and more.
Strategy 4: Segmenting Email Lists
Automatically segment lists based on data points to ensure the audience is receiving emails that are relevant to them.
Strategy 5: Setting Up Workflows to Respond to Customer Actions
Workflows are a series of activities the automation carries out. They’re kicked off when a lead or customer engages in a “trigger” activity or a specific event occurs.
Strategy 6: Personalizing Content
Email and website content can be personalized at scale, such as by including the individual’s name or by showcasing content that’s relevant to them.
Strategy 7: Simplifying Analytics and Reporting
Automated lead attribution, multi-channel aggregate reports, and data dashboards can provide marketers with insights to make data-driven decisions that boost results with less effort.
Let Me Know How I Can Help
If you know someone this might help, please forward it along. If you have questions about digital marketing automation or digital marketing in general, I’m happy to help. Feel free to hit reply or contact me through my website.
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