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5 Things Influencers Should Look for when considering an Influencer Marketing Platform [Video]

Influencer Marketing

If you search for influencer marketing platforms on the internet you will find that most of the articles are written from the point of view of the brands. They discuss which platforms have the most influencers, the best influencers, the most thoroughly-vetted influencers, the easiest influencers for brands to use, or perhaps the cheapest influencers for brands to work with. But there are two sides to any influencer marketing campaign. It is important that the influencers themselves are not forgotten about.

At its heart, an influencer marketing platform is a special kind of marketplace – a marketplace where influencers offer to provide a service for brands. The platforms provide a “venue” where brands can meet up with influencers so that they can make a deal.

These marketplaces have been set up in recent years to meet a need. In many ways, you can think as the influencer marketing platforms as …

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