Community Building and Management

29th annual Heroes Behind the Badges concludes with over 1,200 donations [Video]

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) – The Community Blood Bank held its final blood drive of the 29th annual Heroes Behind the Badges competition on Saturday.

Starting on December 20, the friendly competition between the Sioux Falls Police Department and Sioux Falls Fire Rescue collected a total of 1,218 donations to support community patients.

Although SFPD pulled ahead in a tight matchup last year, this time around, SFFR held a strong lead from the start and won by 64 more votes.

Final tally:

Sioux Falls Fire Rescue: 641

Sioux Falls Police Department: 577

“It’s truly an honor to be able to work with the Sioux Falls Fire Rescue, Sioux Falls Police Department, event sponsors and all of the donors that provided hope to over 3,654 local patients throughout the holidays,” said Community Blood Bank Executive Director Ken Versteeg.

Sioux Falls Fire Rescue will present a $2,000 check to the Children’s Home Society, compliments of Citibank of Sioux Falls, SD. The Sioux …

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