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10 Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem After 60 [Video]

Community Building and Management

Life after 60 is a beautiful and vibrant time. However, there are numerous emotional highs and lows many people over 60 face.

Is there a proven and effective way to balance your sense of well-being and love more of who you are in the face of life’s ebbs and flows?

The answer is a resounding yes, and it is by building your self-esteem.

Self-esteem is essential to your well-being at any stage of life, especially after 60.

But how would any of us go building our self-esteem, since few of our generation were taught how to do this early on in life?

In the second of a new eight-part article and video series on “Being Enough After 60,” we are going to look at 10 steps to build your self-esteem.

As we covered in the previous article, self-esteem is shaped and molded by personal experiences, achievements, relationships, societal messages, and self-perception.

Rather than being a fixed …

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