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10 Deaths Too Embarrassing To Be Believed [Video]

Integrated Solutions Offering

Only two things in life are guaranteed: death and internet trolls. We’ll avoid the latter for now and focus on the former. We all get our tickets punched at some point and there are a thousand and one ways for it to happen. For the most part, everyone wants to go peacefully and painlessly but unfortunately, that’s not always in the cards. At the very least, however, you hope you can go out with some dignity. Even that, however, isn’t always an option.

Let’s preface this list by saying we’re not looking to mock any of these people and all of us have probably been touched by tragedy and loss in our lives. But circumstances beyond our control can always temper even the worst situation and sometimes all you can do is laugh to prevent yourself from crying.

10. Kirstie Alley’s Mother Died in Blackface While her Father was Dressed …

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