Founder of InboundREM an inbound marketing lead generation company focused on SEO. Blogger. Real Estate SEO expert. Real Estate Lead Generation expert. Real estate online marketing fanatic. Podcaster. Occasional public speaker and frequent vlogger.

Let’s dive straight into one of the most frequently asked questions I have received in my 16 years of working with real estate agents: “What are the best real estate lead generation ideas and strategies?”

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the industry, understanding the most effective ways to generate leads is crucial to your success.

Ranking Factors for the Best Real Estate Leads

When it comes to ranking lead types, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. The effectiveness of a lead generation strategy can vary greatly depending on the individual realtor’s style, market, and target audience.

However, certain factors universally affect the quality and viability of leads. Let’s explore these ranking factors to better understand what makes a lead source effective.

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